We cannot believe that these types of candies are marketed to the general populace. Of course, this is the reason why so many children have so many cavities. #sweetsociety #sweetsocietycandy #candyishere #christmascandyishere #christmas #candy #candycanes #juicydroppop #babybottlepop #treatyoself #yummyĪ post shared by Sweet Society Candy Shop on at 2:43pm PST They come with a lollipop that is taken off so that it can be dipped into the bottle that is filled with powder.Ĭandy cane versions of two of our favorite candies! 🍭 Baby bottle pop has a sour powder dip and juicy drop pop has a sour gel dip! So cool! It’s about time the candy cane got an upgrade! 🎄. Baby Bottle Pops are designed to look like a baby bottle but they are certainly not for little ones. Those who love sour candies are all about these bad boys.

The syringe is used to add more liquid to the pop, thus enhancing the level of flavor. Juicy Drop Pops are lollipops that are accompanied by a syringe. If you do not remember these candies, give us the chance to refresh your memory. In addition to the holiday edition of these candies, Bazooka is also offering a new kind of Juicy Drop Pops. Now, they are looking to enhance your holiday season with Baby Bottle Pop Candy Canes and we are here for it. However, they do provide us with the opportunity to take one of our favorites (sugar!) and dip it into….more sugar!! Who wouldn’t love that? The good folks at Bazooka snapped when they came up with this awesome idea. There is something inherently Freudian about these treats. Baby Bottle Pops are an interesting concept but you do not want to think too hard about them.