Package Dimensions : 6.69 x 5.35 x 0.63 inches 2.89 Ounces : Binding : DVD-ROM : Rated : Teen : Item Weight : 2.89. Savings represents a discount off the List Price.
#Jeux de metal slug 6 Pc
units maakten zoals in het begin van het spel zoals rugname en zo of pharao. Metal Slug - Télécharger pour PC Gratuitement Windows Jeux Action Metal Slug gratuit 6/ 10 1486 Téléchargez Metal Slug gratuitement, un classique des jeux-vidéo. 4.6 out of 5 stars : Best Sellers Rank 31,338 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games) 1,856 in PlayStation 4 Games: Pricing : The strikethrough price is the List Price. Engage with a fellow countryman or foreign ally and let the mission begin! Download METAL SLUG ATTACK and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

ARCADE MODE (MAIN MISSION) - Play the original arcade version of “METAL SLUG ” with its charismatic protagonist soldiers Marco & Tarma, maneuver the almighty “METAL SLUG ” tank, and fight your way through the 6 missions of the game to thwart Gen.

This is where initiatives such as the one launched by the Conservatoire National du Jeu Vido in. “METAL SLUG ”, the very first title in SNK’s legendary 2D run & gun action shooting game series where it all began, returns on the GOG gaming platform! However, not all games have their own journal or post-mortem.